Welcome to my Epoxy Pour Paintings Collection

Dive into the mesmerizing world of vibrant colors and fluid forms with my epoxy pour paintings.

This artistic process involves skillfully using two-part epoxy resin to orchestrate a symphony of colors, poured onto canvas or other surfaces. The result? Captivating abstract compositions filled with vibrant, flowing, and organic patterns as differently pigmented epoxy resins gracefully merge.

While I maintain control over pigment selection and the method of epoxy resin application, there's also an element of spontaneity and surprise as the epoxy resin takes on its unique form during the curing process. After curing, a fine coat of clear epoxy resin is added, intensifying the artwork's brilliance and creating a sense of depth. Once the finishing layer cures, each piece boasts a glossy, enduring finish, resulting in a captivating interplay of depth and color.

Epoxy Pour Paintings are celebrated for their ability to produce truly one-of-a-kind and captivating creations. Immerse yourself in this captivating world of art and explore these unique pieces.


LP Series

WP Series

Epoxy Pour Painting Coasters